
  • [Gann hangs up the phone after speaking with Connie and a man's voice is heard while the camera continues to focus on Gann] Unidentified man: What's the matter, Gann? Sol Gann: They found my kid's wallet buried under a train in Colorado. Unidentified man: Ah no. Sol Gann: [deadpan] What the hell was she doing in Colorado? Natty Gann: I'm cold. Harry: Buck up kid, will ya? Natty Gann: I'm bucking! [turns to Wolf] Natty Gann: I'm bucking, right? Harry: You're a real woman of the world, kid. Sherman: Oh, no, Natty. [puppy yips in background] Sherman: . Do I look like an animal shelter? Natty Gann: Don't worry, I'll keep this one. Sherman: That's what you said the last time. Harry: [Harry has just hauled Natty into the boxcar, where she was dangling dangerously over the edge] You know, uh, you can get hurt that way. Hobo: I thought *that* one was a goner. Hobo: *Rail* meat. Hobo: Little bits of blood and busted ... Harry: Leave the kid alone! Natty Gann: [to Harry] You ain't seen Chicago, you ain't seen nothin'. Harry: [opens the door to a barn, looks inside, then speaks to Natty] It looks safe. Come on. Come on! It's empty! Nothin' in here but a pig, and he sure don't care. Louie: Shh. Hold your ears. Natty Gann: What? Louie: Don't listen. Natty Gann: Don't be dumb. I've heard a man pee before. Louie: Yeah? Where? Natty Gann: None of your business. Sherman: Sol, you got no choice. It's a *job*. Sol Gann: [distractedly] Yeah. Harry: Nice dog. Natty Gann: It's a wolf. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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