Smurfs and the Magic Flute, The (1983)

  • 法国 比利时
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  • 动画  家庭  奇幻
Smurfs and the Magic Flute, The
  • 片       名Smurfs and the ...
  • 上映时间1983年11月25日(美国)
  • 导       演 Eddie Late...Peyo
  • 又       名Smurfs and the Magic Flute, ...
  • 编       剧 Yvan Delpo...Peyo


  • [Johan and Peewit are sailing to where Matthew McCreep is hiding out] Peewit: Ohhh I'm so sick. I think I'm going to die. Johan: Oh yes, yes. Peewit: What do you mean "Yes yes"? Johan: All right, no no. [A merchant is trying to sell musical instruments] Merchant: A music box? King: No! Merchant: How about a triangle? Merchant: Not even a deal on a flute? King: NO MORE! Johan: You fool! King: I can't believe this! Now take your things and get out of here before Peewit sees you Merchant: Should I come back tomorrow? Johan: Get going! King: If I ever see you again you'll be locked up in a dungeon. Forced to listen to Peewit's singing! AND THAT'S THE WORST TORTURE IN THE WORLD! Peewit: Someone's playing a joke on me. And I don't like it! Papa Smurf: Those other smurfs are all a hundred years old and they think they are all grown up now. Johan: A hundred? Peewit: Well then how old are you? Papa Smurf: On my last birthday, I turned Peewit: Oh boy! You sure don't look it! Peewit: Is there a merchant here for me? Well where is he? Johan: He was here but he had to leave very quickly. He wanted to... uh congratulate you on your musical talents and I think he's sorry he missed you. Peewit: Oh I'm sorry I missed him. If he appreciates good music I could've treated him to the ballad that I played last night. It would've sounded even better today too. Johan: It would? Why is that? Peewit: Well last night I was missing two strings. [everyone is relaying buckets of water to Peewit who throws them on the fireplace then he is given a jug] Peewit: Wait! This is wine! (drinks it) It's good wine. (hiccups) 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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