复仇谷 (1951)

  • 美国
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  • 西部
  • 片       名复仇谷
  • 上映时间1951年02月16日(美国)
  • 导       演 理查德·索普


  • [first lines] Hewie: I got a story to tell - a yarn about cow country, cow punchers and men. I was workin' for the Strobie Ranch, a trade of worn leather and saddle blisters and brandin' irons. A trade with some song, some fun and some luck. It was as good a job as a man could ask for. Lonely sometimes and cold - so much distance you'd have thought you'd never get back - but for me, a young kid, it was a fine time. Memories are mostly good. You're up on top of the world where the air is clean and thin - the only sound is the wind in the pines. Hewie: You always stand up for him, don't you, Owen? Owen Daybright: When you're loyal to a man, Hewie, you're loyal to everything about him... even his faults. Lily Fasken: I'm not afraid of living anymore. Owen Daybright: I always heard you were a pretty good saloon fighter, Herb. How are you without a bottle or a knife? Owen Daybright: There are some things and some people you can't run away from. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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