


How William Shatner Changed the World

剧情: William Shatner presents a light-hearted look at how the "Star Trek" TV series have influenced and inspired today\'s technologies, including: cell phone...


Ultimate Trek: Star Trek's Greatest Moments

剧情: "The Trouble with Tribbles" . . . "The Best of Both Worlds" . . . "Trials and Tribble-ations" or "Scorpion." Which one is the gr...


The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars

剧情: 美国 1998-05-19  1998Military Toaster: We\'re ready to pop. The Supreme Commander will be very pleased. Toaster: Viking 1! Kirby: The satell...


Hollywood Commandos

剧情: American Movie Classics presents the untold story of moviemakers at war during World War II. Enlisting directly from the soundstages of Hollywood, the writers, ...


剧情: 剧情简介自1966年第一部关于\"企业号\"的电视影集「星际争霸战」问世以来,风靡了全球无数的科幻迷,而这群死忠的狂热迷哥迷姊们甚至令英文多了个专属名词--\"星舰迷(trekkies)\";这群星舰迷对这出历经30余年的星舰史可说个个如数家珍,活脱脱是一部部会走路的星舰百科,不论编剧创造出多少令人眼花撩乱的角色,他们...


William Shatner's Star Trek Memories

剧情: As James T. Kirk, the intrepid captain of the Starship Enterprise, William Shatner was at the forefront of the world\'s most popular sci-fi series. Now, for the...


Star Trek: A Captain's Log

剧情: This documentary is a trip through the original series. The whole movie is composed of short fragments showing the high points of original series. Between them ...


Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition

剧情: Originally broadcast as part of MTV Networks\' BIG PICTURE series, THE STAR TREK LOGS finds Counsellor Troi of Star Trek: The Next Generation on the bridge of a...

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special

剧情: A tribute to Star Trek on its 25th anniversary. This film tells the story of how the series (original and Next Generation) and the first six movies came about. ...

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