电影网>明星资料馆>Tracy Scoggins



Ultimate Desires

剧情: Samantha Stewart is a successful public defender whose life gets turned upside-down one night when a prostitute named Vicki gets thrown out of a limo at Samanth...


剧情: 剧情简介麦特与茱莉丝是警局情侣,也是办案的搭档,某次合办私枪案时被两名歹徒伏击,麦特当场毙命。茱蒂丝继续追踪歹徒至仓库内,此时出现无数玩具小兵,自称是恶灵,欲假藉茱蒂丝之身转投为人,仓库中警卫见状前来制止,不料丧命,茱蒂丝眼见已踏入魔鬼之掌,任其摆弄。幸好另一玩具小兵以天使的化身,出来搭救不杀死魔鬼小兵,并进入茱蒂丝之...


Circus of the Stars #16

剧情: 美国 1991-11-29  1991

"Silk Stalkings"

剧情: 美国 1991-11-07  1991 (re-release)|法国 1993-07-08  1993|克罗地亚 1997-01-08  1997|匈牙利 2004-05-20  2004adver...


剧情:   艾迪•凯伊(Michael Biehn 饰)是一个居住在洛城的平凡钟表匠,某天,他从一幢着火的公寓中成功就出一位母亲及其尚在襁褓中的孩子,艾迪一夜之中成了英雄。但英雄的光环并未给他带来好运,反而令他厄运缠身。   某政府神秘部门的官员泰勒(Richard Jordan 饰)从电视上看到艾迪的壮举,并下令刺杀艾...


Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective

剧情: Sent to keep an eye on a studio head\'s girlfriend at a Northern California film shoot, hardboiled P.I. Dan Turner, is forced to go into hiding when someone sho...


剧情: Paul Slater, a down and out saxophone player, runs into his former lover at his nightclub in Buenos Aires. Tricia seduces Paul into helping her kill her wealthy...


剧情: 基因实验中心内,一项利用猎狗搜寻敌迹,再由超机体杀手AE74追踪狗进而歼敌的计划,因为实验失败被迫中止,中心人员奉令销毁AE74,讵料猎狗及AE趁机逃出实验室,AE74失控变成追狗便杀的怪物,并沿途杀害与狗接触的任何人,一场血腥杀戮难道无法阻止?!  <!--香港百视达-->A genetical...

The Gumshoe Kid

剧情: A young man has to take over the ruined detective agency of his father and his uncle. There are two major difficulties to manage: His uncle and his new job. W...

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