



剧情: 美国 2000-02-19  2000


The Dark Side of Hollywood

剧情: A documentary looking behind the scenes of Hollywood\'s low-budget movie industry. It is a powerful portrait of the fragility of fame and the cost of stardom. B...

Some Nudity Required

剧情: Odette Springer is working in the B movie industry as a singer/composer, hating it but needing the work. She begins making this documentary about the low budget...

The Man in the Iron Mask

剧情: A lad jousting with his tutor is kidnaped and carried to the Bastille where his head is locked in an iron mask. Jump ten years: Musketeers return from war in Mo...


"Extreme Ghostbusters"

剧情: advertisement Eduardo: Three hours of crawling in the sewers for electric leeches and what do we get? Egon: Exposure to every known toxin and efflue...


Spider-Man: Sins of the Fathers

剧情: When Peter Parker is given a plum job with a research complex with the help of Wilson Fisk, it seems to be a dream come true. However, that dream soon turns int...


剧情: 本片的故事架构跟阿诺主演的《魔鬼大帝:真实诺言》有点雷同,可惜制作规模和娱乐效果均相差甚多。男主角雷蒙表面上是小镇的玩具店老板,实际上却是国家的超级特务。为了执行任务,他经常在世界各地飞来飞去,因此而错过儿子的棒球比赛,甚至见不到妻子的最后一面。然而,不管雷蒙怎么隐瞒他的真实身份,仇家还是找上门来,并且让他变成了阶下囚...

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