电影网>明星资料馆>Kate Forster



The Joe Spinell Story

剧情: 美国 2001-08-21  2001

Diamond Men

剧情: After 30 years on the road a veteran jewelry salesman is forced to show his young replacement the tricks of the the trade. But when the kid introduces him to th...

Thank Heaven

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-01-08  2006


剧情: 好莱坞的穆赫兰道上,一个名叫丽塔的女人遇上了一场车祸。车祸中的另外两个看上去显然不怎么正经的男人当场丧命,而丽塔则幸运地死里逃生。但是她完全失忆了,甚至连自己的名字也无法记起。她从车里爬出来,跌跌撞撞地来到一座公寓,藏身于公寓外的灌木丛中……   天亮了,丹尼餐馆,警察丹跟同事赫伯说起了他的恶梦,梦境中出现了...


It's a Shame About Ray

剧情: After croaking in his backyard, Ray is ushered into the offices of the afterlife where it is discovered that pertinent information to gain entrance into heaven ...


剧情:     查理(金凯瑞 饰演)是一个个性充满\"真善美\"的小镇警察,当他挚爱的白人妻子留下3个黑人小孩给他,并与黑人侏儒私奔后,查理开始变得畏畏缩缩,而使得镇民趁着机会占尽他的便宜,但是查理却从不生气,更使得镇民都乐在其中地骑在他头上。   好人当然也有\"出头\"的时...


Family Tree

剧情: A lonely young boy, overshadowed by his older brother, picked on by other boys at school and ignored by his businessman father, finds strength and companionship...


Hollywood Harry

剧情: When a millionaire hog farmer discovers his daughter baring all in Hollywood porn movies, he calls in ace private eye Harry Petry. Braving a menagerie of murder...

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