电影网>明星资料馆>Todd Bridges



I Got Five on It

剧情: Jimmy (Todd Bridges) and his friends are on a serious mission to party. But in their desperate pursuit of a good time, they are led on a wild cross-town series ...

Jane Doe: Now You See It, Now You Don't

剧情: 法国 2006-06-03  2006|匈牙利 2005-10-09  2005|美国 2005-02-18  2005

Alien Express

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-07-18  2006|美国 2005-08-13  2005


剧情: Royce, a straight-laced accountant and Damien, a playboy real-estate agent are cousins and housemates at the crossroads of their lives. Royce is looking for tru...

"Everybody Hates Chris"

剧情: advertisement [repeated line] Greg Wuliger: [to Chris about girls] Dude you are so in there! [repeated line] Rochelle Rock: [after finding out ...


Land of the Free?

剧情: 美国 2004-04-01  2004


剧情: 蕾妮和她的未婚夫来到墨西哥边境一个偏远的地区度假,但这里却存在着许多怪谈,包括玛雅的诅咒。传说一个印第安人家庭五口在被恶意杀害后变成亡灵徘徊在附近以活人为食,但传言竟成为了真实,不断有人被复活的丧尸吞噬,蕾妮的未婚夫也成了他们的口中餐。蕾妮幸得神秘人杰弗相救才免遭一难,可这件事情的发生与他们有着莫大的联系,此时当空的太...


May Day

剧情: 美国 2003-12-12  2003

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