


"America's Most Wanted"

剧情: 美国 1988-02-07  1988advertisement [Repeated Line] John Walsh: And remember, you can make a difference.



剧情: The national \'Gotcha\' championship brings a variety of queer fellows together. A Vietnam veteran always looking for adventure, a female police officer with a ...


Knights of the City

剧情: 美国 1986-09-25  1986

Charley Hannah

剧情: A Fort Lauderdale police captain (Robert Conrad) accidentally kills a youth when he is pursuing some cop killers. The investigation into the murders and into a ...


Euer Weg führt durch die Hölle

剧情: A group of models fly into the jungle of some South American country to look for a photo location. Their plane is shot down and they are captured by a drug baro...

Two Fathers' Justice

剧情: On the eve of their wedding day, Karen & Johnny are murdered by drug dealers who are actually after the bridegroom\'s roommate. The killers are caught, but they...


剧情: 以《大野游龙》等意式西部喜剧走红的银幕搭档特伦斯.希尔和布德.史宾塞,在八十年代中期远征美国拍了这部英语发音的警察喜剧。剧情描写联帮警探道格.班纳与已退伍的同事史提夫.佛瑞斯前往迈阿密,追踪坐牢十一年刚放出来的黑道人物,藉以侦查两千万美金的巨窃案,不料他在中途竟被杀害,其共犯则改名换姓潜逃,二人乃使尽浑身解数缉凶。意大...


"Miami Vice" Brother's Keeper

剧情: Miami Vice cop Sonny Crockett is working undercover to get a Columbian drug lord. When he tries to bust a man who is apparently in business with the Columbian h...


Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro

剧情: Alan gets a map to some war treasure which the Japanese army left behind on a small Pacific island at the end of World War II. But some gangsters try to steal t...

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