电影网>明星资料馆>Morwenna Banks




剧情:   披露当年罗斯维尔录像伪造事件。   美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔(Roswell)传闻于一九四七年有飞碟坠毁,发现了天外来客。到一九九五年更有一段解剖外星人的片段播出,片长九十一分钟,片名叫《解剖外星人》(Alien Autopsy)轰动全球,后来才被揭发是个惊世骗局。最近,有份拍摄片段的汉弗莱斯(John&n...



剧情: 英国 2005-09-05  2005|澳大利亚 2005-07-05  2005Father Nicholas: Knickers bum knickers.

Alan Partridge Presents: The Cream of British Comedy

剧情: Alan Partridge presents an evening of comedy performances to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. This consists of an introduction by Alan; a stand-up perf...


"Peppa Pig"

剧情: 英国 2004-05-31  2004


剧情: 英国 2004-02-15  2004cc3 [repeated line] Chris Palmer: I know! Ian: Nah, no need, man, no need. It\'s just a case of keeping her warm. ...

Traffic Warden

剧情: 英国 2004-08-27  2004

The All Star Comedy Show

剧情: Star-studded comedy specials bringing together some of the best of British comedy talent, with writers including Vic Reeves, Bob Mortimer, Matt Lucas, David Wal...


"Monkey Dust"

剧情: 英国 2003-07-24  2003Ivan Dobsky: I didn\'t do it! I only said I did it so they\'d take the rat out of my anus! Ivan Dobsky: Ooh The Carpenters...

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