电影网>明星资料馆>Zezeh Barbosa




剧情: Luísa是个浪漫主义者,爱幻想,她嫁个一个工程师,过上富裕的生活,可是随着她的初恋的出现,她的爱情和婚姻面对重重考验..Luísa is a romantic, dreamy and delicate young woman married to Jorge, an engineer, a man of g...


Bendito Fruto

剧情: An accident involving a flying manhole cover leads to a chance meeting between two childhood friends: a widow and the owner of a beauty parlor. Thus begins an e...

Diabo a Quatro, O

剧情: Four people with different values and standards meet in the urban chaos of Copacabana. Rita and Waldick come from the country, and befriend two Rio de Janeiro n...


Cronicamente Inviável

剧情: 德国 2001-02-08  2001|荷兰 2001-01-25  2001|阿根廷 2000-12-01  2000|瑞士 2000-08-10  2000


Paixão Perdida

剧情: Marcelo is a twelve-year boy with an apparently vegetative life. Three years ago his mother Anna was killed in an accident and as a consequence the boy became r...

Hilda Furacão

剧情: 巴西 1998-05-25  1998|葡萄牙 1998-12-10  1998|阿根廷 1999-07-04  1999

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