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The Man with Three Wives

剧情: 美国 1993-03-28  1993|瑞典 1999-08-16  1999


The Other Woman

剧情: The Other Woman is a film about a married woman who discovers pictures of another woman in clothes that were delivered from a dry cleaner. She subsequently inve...

Book of Love

剧情: A friend delivers John Twiller greetings from an long gone highschool girlfriend. This makes him open his school\'s yearbook - his "Book of Love" - and ...


剧情: 原美国中央情报局分析员杰克· 瑞安和妻子、女儿在伦敦度假。一天他目睹了恐怖分子袭击北爱尔兰国务大臣姆斯勋爵,瑞安上前相助。击毙一名袭击者,另一名恐怖分子肖米勒被警察逮捕。瑞安因此受到奖赏并被封爵。后来他回到美国,继续在一所海军大学任教。米勒被转送到怀特岛的监狱后被同伙营救。匪首奥唐奈又计划于霍姆斯访问美国时再袭...


The Haunted

剧情: The Smurl family move into their new home on Chase Street only to find that it is plagued with three spirits and a demon. The demon wants to destroy their famil...



剧情: 剧情简介具有灵力的凯丝(艾莉喜迪)常利用自己的异能协助警方找出杀人凶手,这工作虽然危险,但由于她从来不须与凶手面对面接触,因而一直自认为很安全,直到她面对一位同样具有通灵能力的疯狂杀手!这位疯狂杀手拥有比凯丝更强的灵力,因而可以制止凯丝窥探他的影像,甚至反过来利用此异能威胁凯丝;大受惊吓的凯丝领悟到,若想摆脱这位疯狂杀...


Blood Nasty

剧情: Roy is killed by a couple of jewel thieves and then brought back to life and possessed by deceased serial killer \"Blade\". He returns home and his mother is no...

Nick Knight

剧情: Detective Nick Knight is investigating a series of murders in which the bodies are found drained of blood - but the most recent one doesn\'t fit the pattern. In...

Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers

剧情: A doctor and a mortician have teamed up to do re-animation experiments on corpses using gangster money loaned for \"remodeling.\" When they can\'t pay it back, ...



剧情: 万圣节的夜晚,罗格(Alvin Alexis 艾尔文•亚利克斯 饰)和海伦(Allison Barron 艾丽森•贝伦 饰)等十个胆大妄为的青年男女来到一栋阴森恐怖的废弃殡仪馆进行派对。这个名为“霍尔房屋”的殡仪馆内流传着许多悚人的传说,据传,其前主人霍尔一家就在此惨遭杀害。当地人闻风丧胆,视此为禁地。  ...

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