电影网>明星资料馆>Bernard Behrens



The Day Reagan Was Shot

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-04-06  2006|阿根廷 2003-08-06  2003|挪威 2002-08-19  2002|美国 2001-12-09  2001


The Life Before This

剧情: In Toronto, after a holdup goes awry, two gunmen kill or wound several people at a cafe. A flashback takes us through the victims\' day. Sheena, a talkative wom...


剧情: 一个政治家在目睹妻子再一起恐怖事件中死于汽车炸弹后,一直在和自己搏斗...    <!--PREVIDER-->younghappy<!--younghappy-->Fielding Pierce lives the life of an aspiring politicia...


Top of the Food Chain

剧情: An isolated Canadian town (populated by the weirdest group of people this side of Saturn) has seen its share of problems. First the nut factory closed, then the...


"Silver Surfer"

剧情: 美国 1998-02-07  1998advertisement The Silver Surfer: To me, my board!


剧情: 剧情简介安德鲁.孟德斯汉导演的电视电影,以曲折悬疑的剧情和诡异多变的气氛,将一个文学性颇浓的谋杀案故事处理得丝丝如扣,具有相当高的娱乐性。戴维.斯特雷泽恩饰演获普立兹小说奖的作家杰克森,他的最新作品以一名残酷的连环杀人犯为主角。当他获悉儿时好友在故乡逝世时,立刻回到小镇奔丧。抵步后,杰克森发现好友在生前正努力追查一宗四...

The Defenders: Taking the First

剧情: John Walker is white supremacist. Now after hearing his speech, four boys go out and kill a young Hispanic. The Prestons are hired to defend one of them, who is...


I'll Be Home for Christmas

剧情: Veterinarian and part-time mayor Sarah (Ann Jillian) heads a town council desperate to find a doctor to keep open the small town\'s clinic. They fear, rightly, ...


Captive Heart: The James Mink Story

剧情: James Mink is a black man in Canada who has built a very successful livery business, and enjoys a white wife and a beautiful daughter, Mary. An excellent match ...

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