电影网>明星资料馆>Dax Belanger



That One Night

剧情: That One Night is an exciting comedy about dating, nearing 30, and the re-unification of five college friends who have drifted apart since entering the workforc...



剧情: A conflicted young man is released from prison after doing time for a crime he didn\'t commit then his attempt at a fresh start goes horribly wrong as he plots ...

The Mechanic

剧情: The Dictionary defines a Mechanic as a worker skilled in making or repairing machines, vehicles or tools. However the Italian mafioso have a different definitio...


The Suspect

剧情: 法国 2006-10-02  2006


"Human Cargo"

剧情: A riveting thriller shot on location in Vancouver and South Africa, HUMAN CARGO is an unflinching look at the world of refugees in the post 9/11 world and of th...


Critical Assembly

剧情: Two politically concerned students (Heigl and Smith) build a nuclear device to illustrate the need for a change in national priorities. But when they\'re betray...


The Investigation

剧情: This TV drama tells the true story of a bungled and obstructed police manhunt for a serial killer who could and should have been imprisoned after his first crim...

"Monk" Mr. Monk and the Candidate: Part 1

剧情: 匈牙利 2005-07-28  2005|芬兰 2004-09-08  2004|爱沙尼亚 2003-09-06  2003|瑞典 2003-04-08  2003|美国 2002-07-1...

"Breaking News"

剧情: The story of the news team at I24, a 24-hour cable news network. Bill Dunne is the anchor of the network\'s flagship news hour. He joined by Janet LeClaire, an ...


剧情: 剧情简介本片根据真人真事改编而成,安吉哈蒙(AngieHarmon)在本片中饰演苏珊威尔森,她是一位隐私权遭到侵犯的女士,因为有一位邻居会偷窥她的一举一动,她并且还赫然发现,没有法律可以保护她不被别人偷拍录影带,即便是在她自己的家里亦然。  在投诉无门的状况之下,苏珊决定把事情公诸于世,不论这样受到大众瞩目会有多么痛苦...

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