



剧情: 本片系根据家喻户晓的欧洲中古世纪之经典故事改编而成,叙述故代女神-梅宝利用魔法使大魔法师-莫林降生,及莫林年轻时如何研习魔法,继而秉持智慧和正义,辅佐亚瑟取得圣剑登上王位,产生举世闻名的圆桌武士,并与亚瑟共同抵抗法力超强的黑暗女王……


Requiem Apache

剧情: Hamish, a former getaway car driver, has retired to the country to raise his baby son and look after the house while his wife goes out to work. Everything is go...


"A Touch of Frost"

剧情: 英国 1992-12-06  1992advertisement [Contractors\' signs outside derelict houses] Frost: \"Gas off\". \"Water off\". \"Electricity off\"....


剧情: 英国 1992-04-10  1992


Have His Carcase

剧情: 英国 1987-04-15  1987|瑞典 1988-01-18  1988Lord Peter Wimsey: May I come into your parlor? Harriet Vane: Peter! What on earth are y...

Lord Peter Wimsey

剧情: Lord Peter Wimsey is struck all of a heap by Harriet Vane, a murder-mystery novelist who\'s on trial for poisoning her lover with arsenic. And when she\'s given...


Henry VI, Part One

剧情: 英国 1983-01-02  1983

The Tragedy of Richard the Third

剧情: Richard Duke of Gloucester, youngest brother of King Edward IV, will stop at nothing to get the crown. He first convinces the ailing King that the Duke of Clare...

Henry VI, Part Three

剧情: 英国 1983-01-16  1983Edward IV: Sound drums and trumpets! Farewell, sour annoy; For here I hope begins our lasting joy! Richard, Duke of Glouce...

Henry VI, Part Two

剧情: 英国 1983-01-09  1983Dick the Butcher: The first thing we do, let\'s kill all the lawyers.

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