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Murder Story

剧情: Tony Zonis wants to write the next great suspense thriller, so he decides to study the work of master crime writer, Willard Hope (Christopher Lee). Together, th...


剧情: Two terminally ill patients in a hospital yearn for relief from their predicament. With little or no friends, they form an uneasy alliance and plot an escape fo...


剧情: In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by man\'s pollution and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out of the hands ...

"Road to Avonlea"

剧情: advertisement Mrs. Rachel Lynde: When your heart skips a beat, it isn\'t love, its indigestion. Mrs. Rachel Lynde: I have no tact. I\'m noted for t...


剧情: 剧情简介「绿扁帽小组」在越战时成为政府的牺牲者,在越南战俘营被折磨十七年。他们渴望重返祖国,却被送到德国的美军基地,卷入一场变节与贪污的纠纷中,又被狠狠摆了一道。这回他们决定为同伴复仇,而不再做一群被遗忘的人。本片节奏俐落,铿锵有声,动作幅度耳目一新。主角凯斯卡拉定继「辉煌年代」后,演技更上层楼。


Riders of the Storm

剧情: A group of Vietnam vets disturbs television programs from a B-29 airplane. They want to sabotage Mrs Westinghouse\'s political campaign who is running for the S...

The Vision

剧情: 英国 1988-01-09  1988


剧情: 他--化名杰森·伯恩,但他完全不知道自己的真正身份,也不知道为何如此冷血嗜杀,他只知道自己经已犯险境。《智击特攻》紧张剧情令你屏息以待,改编自推理侦探小说大师罗伯特·勒德姆的畅销名著,由理查德·张伯伦(杰森·伯恩饰演)及积琪莲史密斯领衔主演。杰森·伯恩是一位获赦証人,他决定要揭发自己过去的身份!要查出为何他的脸...



剧情: 伦敦唐人街富商王山姆,神秘的死在电话亭中,他在死前立下了一份非常奇怪的遗嘱,引起全家人百般的猜疑,但他也留下了两个迷团;他把名贵跑车留给一位叫李莎拉的女人,她是谁呢?而山姆临终前呼唤的又是谁?  <!--香港百视达-->Sam Wong, the owner of a Chinese restau...

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