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Silver Dream Racer

剧情: A young hot-headed motorbike enthusiast inherits the prototype for an incredibly fast machine which was designed by his brother. He successfully gets the financ...

The Two Mrs. Grenvilles

剧情: 爱沙尼亚 1998-01-05  1998|瑞典 1989-02-18  1989|美国 1987-02-08  1987


剧情:   越战期间,加入海军陆战队的一群年轻人被剃了光头,并分配寝位,负责训练他们的上校时常羞辱他们,还给他们取难听的外号,“傻瓜比尔\"由于是胖子,动作老是出错,因此成为最经常被上校修理的人。班长“小丑\"耐心照顾他。但傻瓜比尔再次的失误,令上校愤怒地惩罚全队,伙伴们终于忍无可忍,将傻瓜比尔痛揍了一顿。之后,傻瓜比尔开始对...


The Ted Kennedy Jr. Story

剧情: Billed as a profile in courage, the film examines the trauma and effort that Senator Edward Kennedy\'s (Craig T. Nelson) son (Kimber Shoop) went through after l...

Hold the Dream

剧情: Two-part, four-hour followup to \"A Woman of Substance\" with Deborah Kerr, now playing Emma Harte at age 80 in the last winter of her life and dealing with her...

剧情: 卡斯卡拉,一个西印度洋上的平凡加勒比小岛,像所有该地区的岛屿一样贫穷。岛上都是一些由于海难、流亡而来的难民,人民在岛上过着和平的生活,然而有一天......  卡斯卡拉的总督是个善良但是有点搞笑的英国人,爱好是自己种大麻抽。他有个风骚而且爱慕虚荣的妻子。他和岛上的酒鬼牧师,几个行营仆人还有自由音乐人一起治理这...



剧情: Mickey Almon is a sports star turned reporter covering the athletics in Moscow. Framed by the KGB and forced to confess that he was spying for America, he is se...

Scream for Help

剧情: 美国 1985-04-12  1985|西德 1985-06-27  1985Christie Cromwell: [to Karen] Fine, don\'t believe me, just wait until he kills you. Ch...


剧情: In this sequel to the mini-series, Lily must now find her father to save her newly found mother. Her mother, Judy went to Asia to interview the head of a revolu...


剧情: It has been six months since Dorothy has returned to Kansas from Oz and she still cannot sleep. She has been going on about imaginary places and people so much ...

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