


The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond

剧情: Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewellery thieves. After a spell in jail the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of ...


剧情: Loner Cody trades with the Comanches to get a white girl released. He is joined on his way back to the girl\'s husband by an outlaw and his sidekicks. It turns ...



剧情: 芬兰 1959-01-09  1959|西德 1959-02-13  1959|瑞典 1959-03-02  1959|美国 1959-04-25  1959|法国 1959-09-04&n...


剧情: A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post,...



剧情: On his way home to West Texas, Tom Buchanan rides into the Californian border town of Agry, and into a feud between several members of the Agry family. In helpi...


Decision at Sundown

剧情: Bart Allison arrives in Sundown planning to kill Tate Kimbrough. Three years earlier he believed Kimbrough was responsible for the death of his wife. He finds K...


剧情: Having lost his horse in a bet, Pat Brennan hitches a ride with a stagecoach carrying newlyweds, Willard and Doretta Mims. At the next station the coach and its...


The Killer Is Loose

剧情: A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills...


剧情: A former sheriff, haunted by the loss of his wife in a Wells Fargo robbery, hunts for the seven men responsible for her death. Along the way, he assists a coupl...


The Magnificent Matador

剧情: 美国 1955-05-24  1955|丹麦 1956-04-30  1956|西德 1956-05-22  1956|奥地利 1959-01-16  1959|芬兰 1960-08-01&...

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