电影网>明星资料馆>William Callaway



Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers

剧情: After the death of Shaggy\'s Uncle Beaureguard, he Scooby and Scrappy arrive at his uncles\' plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, ...


剧情: Time and time again, Cobra has been on the threshhold of global domination, only to be thwarted by the Joes. Now the ruthless terrorist organization has a new a...


InHumanoids: The Movie

剧情: Action-packed cartoon about the age-old fight between good and evil. Mysterious events start to happen when the government Earth Corps unearths an amber monolit...

G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!

剧情: After yet another defeat inflicted by G.I. Joe, the immediate subordinates of Cobra\'s leader, Cobra Commander, have finally come to the end of their patience w...

"Defenders of the Earth"

剧情: 美国 1986-09-08  1986advertisement [repeated line] The Phantom: By jungle law, the ghost who walks calls forth the power of ten tigers. ...


剧情: 剧情简介著名导演约翰.宾德执导的本片,讲述主人公艾伦妮是一名宗教信仰复兴的拥护者,她相信人类的前途要被外星人救赎。其男朋友谢乐登碰到一名伪装的牧师,他宣称有一个简单的方法可以证明艾伦妮的预言是对的,只要她买下郊外的那所据称是飞碟降落过的土地即可。两名骗子以为可以作弄纯真的乡村姑娘,不料往后的发展令他们大吃一惊。本片是一...


"The Incredible Hulk"

剧情: 美国 1982-09-18  1982advertisement Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk: Jennifer Walters could never catch them, but Jennifer Walters doesn\'t have ...


Rabbit Test

剧情: 芬兰 1981-07-31  1981|美国 1978-04-09  1978The Minister: 3f She\'s a truck. She\'ll need a forklift to get into heaven. e43



剧情: 艾维·辛格是个纽约的犹太人,是个神经质而又有点邋遢的喜剧演员,总是带着小知识分子的怯懦、犹疑和敏感,多年没有女友的生活反倒使他有点悠然自得。一天,他的朋友,电视导演罗伯约他去打网球,邂逅了安妮。  安妮·霍尔是个刚刚来到城市的乡下姑娘,带着对大城市的幻想一心想成为歌星。艾维被安妮的魅力倾倒,近乎疯狂地...

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