电影网>明星资料馆>Cyril Chamberlain



A Pair of Briefs

剧情: 英国 1962-09-24  1962|瑞典 1962-11-09  1962|芬兰 1963-01-25  1963|西德 1964-02-01  1964|美国 1976-09-11&n...


Sky West and Crooked

剧情: Brydie White is a 17-year-old retarded girl living in a rural English village whom finds solace in buyring pet animals in the church cemetary and strikes up a f...


Ring of Spies

剧情: 英国 1964-03-24  1964|美国 1964-05-27  1964|丹麦 1965-02-18  1965


Carry on Cabby

剧情: Speedee Taxis is a great success, which means its workaholic owner Charlie starts neglecting Peggy, his wife. Suddenly a fleet of rival taxis appears from nowhe...

Carry on Regardless

剧情: The Helping Hands agency employs some very strange people to perform some very strange jobs! Even the simplest of tasks get bungled by the incompetent but lovab...

Carry on Teacher

剧情: Pupils run amock at Maudin Street School in an attempt to hang on to their headmaster. He has applied for a new job, but the students like him and don\'t want t...

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