电影网>明星资料馆>Bernie Coulson




剧情: This film tells the story of David Milgaard, who was charged and convicted for a brutal rape & murder he did not commit. Sentenced to life imprisonment, he ...


Rupert's Land

剧情: [as the two get to train tracks after a long walk in the jungle] Rupert: How far? Dale: In what hours or miles. Rupert: Calories.



剧情:   《Band佬贵庚?》是布鲁士.麦当纳的「乐与怒三部曲」(《路杀》、《六一干线》)的最后一章,「纪录」一队温哥华「崩」乐队的重组与西部巡回演唱过程;其中难免抚今追昔,悲喜交集。公路电影格局+纪录片拍法+手提摄影+「三张几」Band佬会擦出怎样的火花?一班演员的化学作用,也提升了影片的层次,疯狂惹笑之外写男性情谊不乏动...

The X-Files: The Unopened File

剧情: 德国 1996-02-22  1996|美国 1996-01-15  1996

Jack Reed: One of Our Own

剧情: When two rogues shoot at Sarah, the Police think it is the usual case of hoodlumism. But the same two men try again to kill her, killing instead a policeman. Th...



剧情: 罗杰史丹医生从事医学研突工作已有多年,他刚发现一种外科移植手术的新方法,能拯救无数受害的生命,史丹医生声称他的新发明能够为肾脏病患移植器官省去洗肾的痛苦,然而就在手术进行的当时,在场的人眼睁睁的看着病人在极端的惊惧及痛苦中不治身亡,这只是个开始,接下来的惊异、恐怖正一波波推澜直上……Dr. Julian Mater i...


Dirty Work

剧情: 美国 1992-07-22  1992

Adventures in Spying

剧情: Brian McNichols (Bernie Coulson) and his mate, Shoup (Corey Gunnestad) are folding newspapers in their Toyota ute, for their paper round, when they spot a notor...



剧情: Randy Bodek works as a pizza delivery boy at Senor Pizza to make a few extra bucks. Some customers are special, though: When the order is for a pizza with extra...

Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!

剧情: In the sixties, Eddie and the cruisers was the hottest band around. But the tragic death of its lead singer broke the band up. Only Eddie is not dead. He works ...

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