电影网>明星资料馆>Dejan Cukic



"Nikolaj og Julie"

剧情: Nikolaj and Julie are a couple in their early thirties, married and with a baby that they both find infinitely adorable. As workloads and unfulfilled expectatio...

Gamle møller, Den

剧情: 美国 2002-08-10  2002|巴西 2002-03-20  2002|丹麦 2002-02-08  2002


Serbiske dansker, Den

剧情: 丹麦 2001-10-30  2001|瑞典 2002-10-01  2002|荷兰 2003-06-03  2003|芬兰 2006-01-19  2006

D-dag - Den færdige film

剧情: This is the final result of a great experiment. The four movies recorded simultaneous on new year eve 1999 together with the filming of the directors at work ha...


"Skjulte spor"

剧情: 丹麦 2000-09-18  2000

D-dag - Boris

剧情: Boris needs money. So he has joined three others in a plan to rob a bank new years eve. His job is to cut off the alarm system. But he really hasn\'t the nerves...

D-dag - Niels-Henning

剧情: Niels-Henning has agreed to help Carl with a bank robbery. He is the expert on explosives. But funnily enough he has bad nerves, and they blur up his vision whe...

D-dag - Carl

剧情: Carl has some problems with his wife. They need money to get this he has agreed to help Lise rob a bank together with some of his friends. But maybe Lise is not...


剧情: This was a great experiment. Seven Danish television channels were on the air at the same time, with four different movies, each made by one of the four directo...

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