电影网>明星资料馆>Suzanne Danielle



The Trouble with Spies

剧情: George Trent, a British spy, has gone incommunicado in Ibiza. Appleton Porter (Donald Sutherland) is sent to find out what happened to Trent. Porter settles int...


Escape from El Diablo

剧情: Pauli and his friend Daniel hop on their bikes and ride across the border to Mexico to try out a bar called Rosa\'s Cantina, which happens to be next to the inf...


The Boys in Blue

剧情: Sgt. Cannon (Tommy Cannon) and PC Ball (Bobby Ball) run the police station in the quiet town of Little Botham. When the station is threatened with closure due t...


Sir Henry at Rawlinson End

剧情: 美国 1980-11-07  1980Sir Henry: Generally speaking, if I\'ve eaten something I don\'t want to see it again. Sir Henry: I never met a man I didn...

Long Shot

剧情: 英国 1981-01-28  1981


剧情: 蒙戈星球的邪恶帝王明准备摧毁地球,查可夫预知外星人的攻击,于是强迫高登及黛儿登上他的火箭,前去拯救地球。当查可夫等人甫到蒙戈星球,即被明王俘虏…。 本片根据畅销漫画改编(科幻片名导乔治卢卡斯最爱的漫画),服装布景设计杰出,并找来摇滚乐团皇后合唱团担任配乐,在当年还一度将皇后合唱团的音乐成就推向高峰,可说是原着...


"Tales of the Unexpected"

剧情: 英国 1979-03-24  1979

The Stud

剧情: Fontaine Khaled is the wife of a wealthy but boring businessman. She spends his money on her nightclub, the hobo, and partying. She hires a manager, Tony, to ru...


剧情: 以阿拉伯为背景的中古童话故事《天方夜谭》数次被搬上银幕,英国出品的本片是规模较大的老片新拍。故事并没有多少改变,主要还是描写恶宰相依权无恶不作,人民意图反抗却力不从心。另一个国家的王子为了娶该国公主,前往荒岛取回法力无边的黄玫瑰,后来凭黄玫瑰的法力相助,率民众打败了恶宰相,成为巴格达城的新国王。不过在小枝节上,本片还是...

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