电影网>明星资料馆>Rusty De Wees



The Sparrow and the Tigress

剧情: 美国 2009-04-01  2009 (DVD premiere)



剧情: Quebec Bill Bohomme is a hardy schemer and dreamer, who, desperate to raise money to preserve his endangered herd through the rapidly approaching winter, resort...


Senses of Place

剧情: Paul Reed is doing some final campaigning on election day. He is in a dead heat with his opponent, Jonah Burns, for the People\'s Party nominee for Governor of ...

Mending Wall

剧情: Mending Wall is set in a northern New England town, where one morning the local handyman wakes up to find that his cows have escaped through a hole in the fence...

Nothing Like Dreaming

剧情: A film about a fire artist and a troubled teenage girl in rural Vermont. In their fortuitous encounter, forged by fire, he makes peace with the past and she tak...

"Windy Acres"

剧情: 美国 2004-10-27  2004



剧情: 感恩节到了,白人女孩四月(凯蒂•霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes 饰)在黑人男友巴比(德瑞克•卢克 Derek Luke 饰)的劝说下,终于鼓足勇气邀请她的家人共进晚餐。然而,家人对于这个约定却各怀心事,原因是四月曾经的叛逆行为令他们望而生畏。这时,父亲吉姆(奥利弗•普莱特 Oliver Platt 饰)还是...



剧情:   时值70年代越战,一批年轻人有支持战争,也有反对战争,也有对战争漠不关心的。那些反战的人到大街上游行示威而遭到警察的追捕,而那些支持战争的则被应征送往越南。本片就是描写这些人的不同人生、不同友谊和不同的爱情……美国 2002-03-22  2002


New Port South

剧情: A cranky high school student cons his friends into helping him with a propaganda blitz against the school administration which results in a student body riot an...

Ordinary Sinner

剧情: 美国 2001-10-21  2001

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