


"A Minute with Stan Hooper"

剧情: 瑞典 2005-01-23  2005|巴西 2004-07-02  2004|美国 2003-10-29  2003Stan Hooper: I just want to live a normal life. 23 ...

"I Love the '80s Strikes Back"

剧情: 美国 2003-10-20  2003Mark McGrath: The \'70s were like "Uhh... dude...", you know, and now, you know the \'80s were like "Um, like…...


剧情: 剧情简介强势领导才能,非凡危机管理,触觉敏锐,坚毅信念,作风果断。911风云人物;前纽约市长朱利亚尼幕后传奇搬上银幕。朱利亚尼由艾美奖得主占士活斯饰演,凭著其精湛演技,让全球观众更了解这位被「时代周刊」选为「年度风云人物」的政冶生涯及其英勇事迹!

Thanksgiving Family Reunion

剧情: All Mitch Snider wants for his family is a traditional holiday feast with the relatives. The problem is that he doesn\'t have any. That is until he gets an invi...


Scared Silent

剧情: When the newlywed wife of a Minnesota police chief accuses a new officer on his force of raping her several years earlier, it sets the stage for a tense confron...


剧情:     炸弹隐藏于心脏,心跳加速,炸弹就会引爆!     卡连是胸科手术医生,在一次抢救病人心脏中的隐形炸弹突然爆炸,幸被警察汤姆所救,正在惊魂未定时,炸弹罪犯又通知卡连在机场,在出租车,在商场同时有几个卡连曾做过手术的心脏病人被安装了隐形...



剧情:   再一次地,好莱坞又将中东的紧张情势搬上萤幕,这一次,更搬进了你家的客厅。      本片的灵感来自阿诺史瓦辛格主演的「魔鬼大帝:真实谎言」,细腻地刻划出一个记者内心的情绪挣扎。约翰麦怀特(Fred Ward,「从地心窜出」)是一名报社记者,当一桩名人谋杀案发生之后,有人热心提供秘密情报...

Dodson's Journey

剧情: After the death of his father and an impending divorce, James Dodson takes his 10-year-old daughter Maggie on a fishing trip. Based on the novel \'Faithful Trav...

"A Nero Wolfe Mystery"

剧情: 挪威 2003-09-12  2003|美国 2001-04-22  2001Archie: Nero Wolfe gets what Nero Wolfe wants, or he throws a tantrum and I get fired. ...

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