电影网>明星资料馆>Nick DiPaolo




剧情: 讲述德尼罗饰演的电视喜剧演员杰基,在一场婚礼上偶遇莱斯利·曼恩饰演的年轻女士,进而发展出友谊。A look at the life of an aging insult comic.


路易不容易 第四季

剧情: When Louis hears that one of his friends use a sexual toy to enhance their experience, Louis goes out to a sex shop to end up hurting his back. Louis spends the...


路易不容易 第一季

剧情: 影片是一部围绕住在纽约的单身父亲Louis C.K. 抚养两个女儿展开的情景喜剧。 路易斯:作为一个刚刚离婚的父亲抚养他的女儿在纽约市。每集二三十分钟,该系列将是松散的基础上对照的生活,并将他的材料延长自传喜剧短片电影描绘的时刻,他的表演经验很丰富。Louie is a stand-up comedi...


Beer League

剧情: Beer, broads and baseball combine with hilarious results in ARTIE LANGE\'S BEER LEAGUE...an over-the-top comedy about a group of misfits whose weekly softball g...


Comedy Central Roast of Jeff Foxworthy

剧情: 美国 2005-03-20  2005Nick DiPaolo: Psychologists have proven that when you play Jeff\'s humor to a baby when it\'s in the womb, it\'ll eventually b...

Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Anderson

剧情: 美国 2005-08-14  2005|英国 2005-11-17  2005|德国 2007-04-13  2007advertisement Jeffrey Ross: How is it possible ...


剧情: 最佳影片 《百万美元宝贝》《Million Dollar Baby》    最佳导演 克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 《百万美元宝贝》  最佳男主角 杰米·福克斯 Jamie foxx《雷》《Ray》  最佳女主角 希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank《百万美元宝贝》    最...


"Shorties Watchin' Shorties"

剧情: 美国 2004-04-28  2004Baby Patrice: Hey man, with a pee-pee like this, how can I be a woman? Baby Nick: Hey, what\'s a vagina? Baby Patrice: ...

Comedy Central Roast of Denis Leary

剧情: 瑞典 2005-01-22  2005|美国 2004-03-12  2004Denis Leary: The only reason why Pete Townshend got busted was because he borrowed Mario Ca...

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