电影网>明星资料馆>Brian Drummond



"Dragon Booster"

剧情: In a timeless world, humans and dragons co-exist together. An ordinary teenager named Artha Penn was plunged into a extraordinary adventure when he was the chos...


剧情: A three-part miniseries which offers a look into the world of trafficking, where drugs, weapons, and even people are traded all over the world. Here, the lives ...

"Transformer: Super Link"

剧情: A direct sequel to Transformers: Legend of the Microns (Transformers: Armada in the USA). Several years have passed since the war over the Microns, and peace ha...

G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom

剧情: G.I. Joe, perennial icon of American boyhood, gets a 21st-century update in a new CGI-animated children\'s series of thrilling military adventure. In this actio...


剧情:   金牛吝座星毅球遭醒遇了一虚个腮大灾难寸,面临了毁灭艳的命搭运。只有箱两驳个页人举逃脱了这次水灾吊难穴。他愈们来僳到了方舟抖避哩难。方拔舟却炙被斯多瑞歇恩朔夺取轿了,砒但是匈方巡舟伸必须要严有骂神职人日员才能够控制。祭阿美琳沸是悄神忱职人执员阿垣米尔挽的碌女惯儿漱,她被斯羊多瑞也恩楞的指拄挥侣官收圾养嘿了堕。蚜随着绪...


剧情: 赖恩和托德是一对好朋友,他俩离开学校后一起到好莱坞寻梦,几年后,赖恩成为众人瞩目的明星,托德成为他的经纪人,但一段时期以来赖恩绯闻不断,事业开始滑坡,电影公司要取消与他的合作,托德向老板保证会帮助赖恩走出困境,为了提高赖恩的人气,托的策划了一档关于赖恩的节目,让电视观众为他选择一个生活伴侣。  消...


机兽新世纪 ゾイド -ZOIDS-

剧情: 在行星Zi上,一心希望成為象父親那樣成為優秀的zoids機師的少年邦,同歐卡諾伊多(Organoid)    奇克和神秘少女菲妮一起踏上找尋zoids eve的旅途,並粉碎了帝國首相普羅因茲企圖控制帝國,    佔領共和國的野心。四年後,邦、菲妮都已經長大。為了對抗日益猖獗的使用zo...

"Rockman.exe Axess"

剧情: 日本 2001-03-04  2001|美国 2003-05-17  2003|加拿大 2003-09-30  2003Netto Hikari: Plug-in! Rockman.exe! Transmission! M...

The Stranger Beside Me

剧情: 匈牙利 2006-03-01  2006|美国 2003-03-21  2003

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