电影网>明星资料馆>Daniela Escobar



Diário de Um Novo Mundo

剧情: In 1752, a ship arrives in Brazil, bringing doctor and writer Gaspar de Fróes. He keeps a diary about the dangerous trip, the diseases and hunger aboard, h...

Jogo Subterrâneo

剧情: In São Paulo, the weird and romantic piano player Martin (Felipe Camargo) believes in serendipity and invents a game to find the woman of his dreams. He pr...


Vida de Menina

剧情: 法国 2005-03-14  2005|巴西 2003-06-07  2003

"A Casa das Sete Mulheres"

剧情: 阿根廷 2004-03-29  2004|巴西 2003-01-07  2003


剧情: 巴西 2003-05-05  2003


"Clone, O"

剧情: The meeting of a man with his image 20 years younger. This is the plot of O Clone. In the beggining of the story Lucas is a happy adolescent, romantic, full of ...


"Aquarela do Brasil"

剧情: 阿根廷 2001-11-19  2001|意大利 2001-03-12  2001|巴西 2000-08-22  2000


"Chiquinha Gonzaga"

剧情: 法国 2000-07-24  2000|巴西 1999-01-12  1999

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