电影网>明星资料馆>Edith Fields




剧情: TV reporter Rob Salinger is married to Micki, but because she\'s always busy working, they hardly ever spend time together. One night at which he got stood up b...


Right of Way

剧情: 西德 1988-04-01  1988|美国 1983-11-21  1983Mini Dwyer: Would you like to know what it is we want to spare you from? The doctors descri...


The Kid from Nowhere

剧情: A single mother is overprotective of her mentally challenged son which has made him angry and difficult, while she denies herself a social life. Things change f...

Force: Five

剧情: 美国 1982-01-27  1982|法国 1982-02-04  1982


剧情: 美国 1982-01-18  1982


剧情:   丈夫祖利死了3年,丽一直都不敢在旧房子住,在未婚夫罗拔的游说下,她终于搬回去,但很快她预料中的坏事都发生了,她以前和丈夫的的记忆令她很困扰,而且罗拔的鬼魂也出现了,只有丽能见到他,其它人都看不到,罗拔的鬼魂不满意丽的新配偶,并试图阻止她们的婚礼。Not until three years after the dea...

Marian Rose White

剧情: Marian Rose White is placed in a State Home for the feeble-minded by her uncaring mother when her father dies. She is a young teenager and there is nothing wron...

All Summer in a Day

剧情: On the planet Venus, it rains almost constantly. A classroom full of young children are excited to hear that the rain will stop today, for just fifteen minutes....

"Cagney & Lacey"

剧情: 美国 1982-03-25  1982|英国 1982-07-09  1982|瑞典 1984-12-20  1984|法国 1987-03-01  1987advertisement ...


Loving Couples

剧情: 加拿大 1980-09-04  1980|美国 1980-10-24  1980|芬兰 1982-02-26  1982

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