电影网>明星资料馆>Ron Frazier



Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story

剧情: Donna Yaklich meets Dennis the policeman and thinks she might have found a good relationship. But Dennis is obsessed with weight-lifting and uses steroids, whic...


She Woke Up

剧情: 美国 1992-01-19  1992

In My Daughter's Name

剧情: Laura Elias\'s daughter is raped and murdered by Peter Lipton. With the support of Peter\'s affluential parents he pleads \"guilty due to insanity\". The jury a...

Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster

剧情: The real-life struggle to contain the environmental and financial damage caused to Alaska by the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez is dramatized. Written by Da...


剧情: 故事内容是根据美国空军上校泰德哈德佛的坠机事件改编而成,当他驾驶F16战机时却意外坠毁于山腹之中,军方宣称是飞行员的错误,他的妻子却拒绝相信军方的报告,不惜与军方对簿公堂,以证明F16的飞行安全有问题。Based on a true story, one woman takes on the U.S. military...


剧情: 白手起家的百万富翁亚伦卡连特,以经营超级市场致富。他在发迹之前和妻子美莉同甘共苦努力奋斗与养育独子迈克。家庭幸福其乐融融。但是在亚伦致富之后,欢乐的气氛渐渐消失。美莉变成用钱如水的购物狂,亚伦自己则是在外面金屋藏娇。更糟糕的是,迈克已养成了公子哥儿的气派,亚伦在失望之余,决定不惜重大牺牲,以改变儿子的[人生观,使能奋发...



剧情: Ty Lookwell: Did you do that shopping I asked you to do? Hyacinthe: I tried, but the store said they don\'t make that hairspray anymore. Ty Lookwell: Thos...

Absolute Strangers

剧情: A husband tries to keep his comatose wife alive by allowing doctors to terminate her pregnancy. Hearing about this, anti-abortion protesters start a legal campa...



剧情: 女检察官卡罗琳被人奸杀,她的同行拉斯蒂受命调查此案。拉斯蒂与死者曾是一对情人,他的妻子芭芭拉也知道他们曾有过暧昧关系,所以不时指责他对这个案子陷得太深。拉斯蒂在调查过程中发现卡罗琳手中有一份档案B失踪了,这份档案涉及对一位政府官员行贿的调查。不久拉斯蒂被指控是谋杀卡罗琳的凶手,因为在卡罗琳的公寓发现了一只有拉斯...


Lost Angels

剧情: A troubled youth (Adam Horovitz) from a split Los Angeles family is sent to a private psychiatric hospital after a violent scrape with the police. In the hospit...

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