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"I Love the '90s"

剧情: 美国 2004-07-12  2004Michael Ian Black: [about TLC] They\'re cute. And one of them is an arsonist. Whatever. Themselves: [about "Clueless&#...

Chris Rock: Never Scared

剧情: 瑞典 2005-06-03  2005|澳大利亚 2005-05-11  2005|美国 2004-04-17  2004Chris Rock: 46 Women ain\'t gonna let a thing like ...


Underground Poets Railroad

剧情: "Underground Poets Railroad" is equal parts concert film of performances at universities, churches, fire stations and national monuments across the coun...

Breath Control: The History of the Human Beat Box

剧情: 澳大利亚 2003-03-29  2003|美国 2003-03-01  2003

"I Love the '70s"

剧情: 美国 2003-08-18  2003Joel Stein: [On "Land of the Lost"] Steven Spielberg really ripped them off with "Jurassic Park." Hal Spar...

"I Love the '80s Strikes Back"

剧情: 美国 2003-10-20  2003Mark McGrath: The \'70s were like "Uhh... dude...", you know, and now, you know the \'80s were like "Um, like…...



剧情:   这部投资800万美元的小制作,被评论认为是黑人版的《当哈里遇上萨丽》(When Harry Met Sally)。影片情节本身没有任何的悬疑,结果也是一目了然。本片是一份典型的爱情喜剧甜点。编剧艾略特表示,他创作这个剧本的初衷之一,就是改变观众心中“电影里的甜蜜美好的爱情只发生在非有色...


剧情: 剧情简介1980年中,居住在黑人住宅区的ace是一个在乾洗店工作的小孩,他做人正直且精明。他为那份微薄的薪水努力的工作着,但他发现那些做毒品交易的朋友们,特别是他最好的朋友mitch,他们开豪华房车,穿上好的裘皮大衣而且总有花枝招展的女人们围绕在身边。从他们最喜欢的电影\"scarface\"中得到提示,这些家伙们过着...


剧情: A humorous, year by year look through the decade that saw hair size become a statement, ratty clothes become cool, and music about breaking up become mainstream...

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