


Still Small Voices

剧情: After suffering the stillbirth of her child, MICHAEL SUMMER (Catherine Bell) returns to her job as a 911 operator and tries to lose herself in work. She starts ...


Love Thy Neighbor

剧情: Plagued by flashbacks of a violent home invasion, Laura Benson is on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Looking for a fresh start, she and her husband sell their...

Road to Christmas

剧情: High-powered fashion photographer Claire Jameson finds herself stranded in middle America on the way to her dream Christmas-time wedding in Aspen. Unable to get...



剧情: Unable to cope with his condition of premature aging (at only 22, he looks 35), Neil develops severe agoraphobia. Dependent on a variety of prescribed pills, Ne...

Re-Entering the Nightmare

剧情: 美国 2005-10-20  2005|英国 2005-10-19  2005|加拿大 2005-04-09  2005|丹麦 2005-03-25  2005

Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story

剧情: In the fictional working-class town of Inniston, Marc Hall (Aarom Ashmore), sends ripples though Canada\'s media when he attempts to bring his boyfriend to his ...



剧情: ◎简  介  凯瑞奇接到上级任务,要她伪装成工作人员打入一个秘密组织,窃取一种秘密研制的药物。于是,她混进秘密基地,对那里的情况进行进一步打探。当她了解到要窃取的药物被藏在一个很隐秘的封闭研究室里时,她的行踪也被发现了……芬兰 2005-07-13  2005|美国 2004-1...


剧情: 诺贝尔和平奖提名人Tookie Williams的传记电影。   Tookie Williams(Jamie Foxx)于1953年生出在美国新奥尔良贫民区,作为黑人,他从小备受欺辱,这令他坚信在糟糕的环境中立足的根本是让自己变得强大。后与人创建西海岸加洲著名的黑帮Cips,成为著名的暴徒。因杀4人被判...

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