电影网>明星资料馆>Raymond Greenleaf



Spoilers of the Forest

剧情: 美国 1957-04-05  1957


剧情: A poor but beautiful girl named Jeanne takes part in a beauty contest but fails to be crowned its queen. Nevertheless both her determination and her shapely fig...

Three Violent People

剧情: Former dance hall girl Lorna, masquerading as a lady, meets and marries Confederate ex-officer Colt Saunders, returning to his rich Texas ranch. Everyone there ...


When Gangland Strikes

剧情: 美国 1956-03-15  1956


剧情: In present-day U.S., Dr. Michael Parker, a prominent surgeon, unexpectedly runs into his German-born wife whom he thought was dead. Victor, an artist and his \"...


剧情: 剧情讲述一名富家千金(琼.阿利森饰)因不满其父(吉姆.巴克斯饰)安排的婚姻而离家出走,结果爱上了一个别有用心的记者(杰克.莱蒙饰)。本片根据《一夜风流》的故事改编,导演迪克.鲍威尔将其拍成加了插曲的轻喜剧版本,可惜喜剧韵味大失,看来颇为平淡单调,插曲亦不够动听。英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   剧情讲述一名富家千金(...


Headline Hunters

剧情: 美国 1955-09-15  1955|芬兰 1961-11-24  1961

The Violent Men

剧情: A Union ex-officer plans to sell up to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancee, but the low price offered by Anchor\'s crippled owner and the outfit\'s bull...

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