


Race with the Devil

剧情: Frank and Roger and their wives take off for Colorado in a recreational vehicle, looking forward to some skiing and dirt biking. While camping en route, they wi...


剧情: 由托马斯.麦葛尼编导的本片,描述在佛罗林达海岸,一名青年渴望从事“钓鱼导游\"的行业,因而与同地区的另一名地头蛇导游展开明争暗斗。本片的原着小说曾获“美国国家书籍奖\"提名,但在影片中看不出内容的特别价值。全片不重故事性,节奏有点缓慢松散,镜头调度亦无成规可循,但某些片段情调相当不俗,属于个人风格浓厚的文艺片。美国 ...

Rancho Deluxe

剧情: Jack McKee (Jeff Bridges) and Cecil Colson (Sam Waterston) are two bumbling drifters whom make a living by rustling cattle from other peoples herds in the wilds...



剧情: Frank Mansfield has wanted to win the Cockfighter of the Year medal for ages. Frank never speaks. After shooting his mouth off one too many times then losing a ...

The White Dawn

剧情: In 1896, three whalers are stranded in the Arctic North Canada and seek refuge with an Eskimo tribe. Gradually they gain control with the Eskimo village and int...


剧情: 描述一名美国钢琴师跑到墨西哥时卷入一场匪夷所思的竞争之中。为了将来能跟爱人过着富裕的生活,毅然参加了抢人头的比赛,然而在他抢得人头之后却失去爱人。A family scandal causes a wealthy and powerful Mexican rancher to make the pronounc...



剧情: After a shoot-out kills five FBI agents in Kansas City the Bureau target John Dillinger as one of the men to hunt down. Waiting for him to break Federal law the...

Kid Blue

剧情: 瑞典 1974-05-02  1974|美国 1973-09-29  1973


剧情: Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral, and witnessing a ...


剧情: 在电脑刚普及的七十年代初期拍摄的盗宝喜剧,当时最走红的小生瑞安.奥尼尔饰演一名电脑专家,因为婚姻失败,生活枯燥无聊,竟然利用他的电脑专长成为珠宝大盗,藉此体验另一种生活情趣。在晚宴中,他认识了漂亮女子杰奎琳.比塞特,对她展开热烈追求,但另一方面却要躲避保险公司调查员沃伦.奥茨对他步步进逼的追查,生活变得复杂起来。当年尚...

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