电影网>明星资料馆>Dwayne Hill




剧情: Funny thing about Daisy is that she names her passwords after men she fantasizes about. Then her husband Dave discovers that she\'s named one after a guy she ac...

A Christmas Wedding

剧情: Emily and Ben met on Christmas day now plan to marry on this Christmas day almost two years later. Then Emily must attend work, and leaves the wedding plans up ...


Black Widow

剧情: 加拿大 2005-09-29  2005

I Do, They Don't

剧情: 美国 2005-03-20  2005Andrew B.: Andrew B.? You\'re going to call me Andrew B.?

"Rotting Hills"

剧情: 加拿大 2005-02-03  2005


Ham & Cheese

剧情: 美国 2004-03-12  2004|加拿大 2004-01-30  2004


剧情: 15岁的青春少女凯蒂(莲莎·露夏恩 饰),跟随她动物学家的父母在非洲长大,那里艰苦的自然环境,养成了凯蒂坚强勇敢的性格。凯蒂觉得自己已经学会了适者生存这个道理,可是,当她回到美国来到一个新的环境时,她突然发现人与人之间的弱肉强食,要比自然界的更可怕。   凯蒂经过漫长的旅行,终于回到了美国,来到伊利诺斯州...

Phil the Alien

剧情: Near a backwoods Ontario small town, a young alien, on vacation, crashes in his ship. Disoriented, this confused young extraterrestrial is captured by a young b...

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