电影网>明星资料馆>Ken Hill



Who Is Julia?

剧情: Two young womens lives are changed forever in one moment. A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At...

Killer in the Mirror

剧情: 美国 1986-03-31  1986

Under the Influence

剧情: 美国 1986-09-28  1986


剧情: 绰号眼镜蛇的干探哥比提经常独行独断,一手持轻机枪,一手持点45,以自己的戒律对付无法无天的贼匪。这次哥比提正在追捕一个凶残的连环杀手,又要保证一个被下令灭口的女证人,令他疲于奔命。City cop is on the trail of a serial killer. Loaded with action an...


Victims for Victims: The Theresa Saldana Story

剧情: Before stalking was a well-known crime in North America, there was Theresa Saldana\'s story. A drifter from the U.K., Arthur Jackson, flies to the U.S. to seek ...


剧情: 小迷糊又来搞笑了!因为教了一位阿拉伯的政要,她由酒吧里的女服务生,转任为高官,生性糊涂的她,这次又将会闹出什么笑话? =============================================== 女主角是那种很典型的美国女孩物质,单纯,善良,没有目标,她跟一个男同性恋同住,他们也是好友。 一次机缘巧合...

Fatal Vision

剧情: Captain Jeff MacDonald, a renowned and an ambitious surgeon at Fort Bragg army base, appears to be a happily married father of two. When the MP enter MacDonald\...

"Santa Barbara"

剧情: 美国 1984-07-30  1984|法国 1985-10-14  1985|瑞典 1988-01-12  1988|芬兰 1990-01-05  1990advertisement ...


This Girl for Hire

剧情: 美国 1983-11-01  1983


The Five of Me

剧情: 美国 1981-05-12  1981

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