电影网>明星资料馆>Season Hubley




剧情: 本片探讨两性之间的关系,以及寻找人生目标过程所碰到的困难。故事环绕两名面对中年危机的好朋友的经历,二人舍弃了一直以来的生活模式,对人生作出重大的改变。Two professionals, Jeff and Marty, take a business trip to the Philippines. Their dee...



剧情: Six college students take a wrong turn and find themselves lost in a strangely deserted rural town... only to discover that this deceptively quiet place hides a...



剧情: 美国政府某机构正进行一项秘密生化实验,目的是将一种基因变种鱼类培植成两栖武器,而变种鱼却在实验期间脱逃至海里。  <!--香港百视达-->While a town is in a state of alert, the monster of the sea keeps mutating the t...

No One Would Tell

剧情: 16-year old Stacy is asked out by hunk Bobby, and soon they\'re a couple. But Bobby is psychologically unstable and uses violence whenever Stacy does something ...


Steel Justice

剧情: David Nash has lost his son and his will to live. But the boy appears in his dreams as well as his Robosaurus toy ! A mythical figure will help Nash to turn the...


剧情: 凯斯葛兰(劳勃韦曼饰)初至加州小镇,在渴氏花园工作,认识友善的布南神父及其任职幼教迷人的单身母亲克莉斯汀,遂展开热烈追求,进而结婚成为一家人。他的继子安迪虽因车祸不良于行,可是独锺电脑追纵灭门血案罪犯,对凯斯刻意讨好,及言不由衷的言谈深感怀疑,史请布南神父帮助,因而使他遭到杀身之祸。小镇此时来了美丽的单身母亲珍妮佛及她...


Total Exposure

剧情: When the ambitious photographer Andi returns from a modeling session in Mexico, she finds a kilogram cocaine in her bag. In panic - and thinking of her prior co...


Vestige of Honor

剧情: An American soldier who participated in the Vietnam war had promissed his Vietnamese comrads to take them home from a refugee camp to the United States. But to ...

Unspeakable Acts

剧情: The married couple Laurie and Joseph Braga are doctors specialized in interviewing sexual abused children. With a lot of energy they track down a pedophile who ...

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