电影网>明星资料馆>Bruce Hunter




剧情: 《彩虹之子》讲述了一个患有唐氏综合症的少年,相信在彩虹的尽头藏有黄金宝藏,能助他实现任何的愿望,于是他便开启了一场奇幻的寻宝之旅。  The Rainbow Kid is a gritty coming of age story that follows Eugene, a teenager with Down syn...



剧情: VICTOR is the inspiring, true-life, story of a great Canadian hero - a working class kid who through sheer guts and determination overcomes both physical and ps...


Grocery Mishap

剧情: A story of jealousy and foodstuff. Kill Bill meets Aunt Jemima. Part mascot mirage, part Barbie ballet. A seemingly normal day in the fourth aisle turns into a ...

The Buck Calder Experience

剧情: Hailing from Hollywood, director BUCK CALDER tries to save his floundering career by helming a Canadian historical epic in Canada. But when the IRS comes after ...


Surly Squirrel

剧情: 加拿大 2005-09-22  2005|美国 2005-08-13  2005


Jew Jube Lives

剧情: Jewish rap star Jew Jube, aka Shmuley Zeidelman, is a pop culture phenomenon. His mass appeal is reflected in astronomical album sales that transcend age, race ...


剧情: 15岁的青春少女凯蒂(莲莎·露夏恩 饰),跟随她动物学家的父母在非洲长大,那里艰苦的自然环境,养成了凯蒂坚强勇敢的性格。凯蒂觉得自己已经学会了适者生存这个道理,可是,当她回到美国来到一个新的环境时,她突然发现人与人之间的弱肉强食,要比自然界的更可怕。   凯蒂经过漫长的旅行,终于回到了美国,来到伊利诺斯州...

"Atomic Betty"

剧情: 英国 2004-11-01  2004|美国 2004-09-17  2004|加拿大 2004-09-06  2004|法国 2004-09-01  2004

Phil the Alien

剧情: Near a backwoods Ontario small town, a young alien, on vacation, crashes in his ship. Disoriented, this confused young extraterrestrial is captured by a young b...


The Truth About the Head

剧情: 加拿大 2003-06-04  2003|法国 2003-05-18  2003

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