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"Extreme Ghostbusters"

剧情: advertisement Eduardo: Three hours of crawling in the sewers for electric leeches and what do we get? Egon: Exposure to every known toxin and efflue...



剧情:   随着人类文明的发展,地球环境却遭到越来越严重的破坏。大地女神盖娅不愿看到情况继续恶化,她将五枚分别带有土地、火、风、水、心灵能力的神奇戒指给予了来自地球五大洲的五位少年,分别是非洲的夸美,拥有土地的威力;北美的辉乐,拥有火的威力;苏联的琳卡,拥有风的威力;亚洲的姬伊,拥有水的威力;南美的玛狄,拥有心灵的威力。少年们...



剧情: Time and time again, Cobra has been on the threshhold of global domination, only to be thwarted by the Joes. Now the ruthless terrorist organization has a new a...


Transformers: Five Faces of Darkness

剧情: It is the year 2006 and after centuries of lying in wait, the calculating Quintessons, once evil rulers of the planet Cybertron, are now plotting to overthrow t...

G.I. Joe: Arise, Serpentor, Arise!

剧情: After yet another defeat inflicted by G.I. Joe, the immediate subordinates of Cobra\'s leader, Cobra Commander, have finally come to the end of their patience w...

"Defenders of the Earth"

剧情: 美国 1986-09-08  1986advertisement [repeated line] The Phantom: By jungle law, the ghost who walks calls forth the power of ten tigers. ...


剧情: 版本一:   2005年,霸天虎占领了塞伯坦,汽车人在塞伯坦卫星建立秘密基地准备反击。霸天虎突袭地球上的汽车人城,大批汽车人战士阵亡,擎天柱从卫星赶回与威震天决斗,两败俱伤。后擎天柱伤重不治,将充满力量的能源宝(港译:机体)传与通天晓,通天晓接任汽车人新领袖。威震天在撤退途中被红蜘蛛(港译:星星叫)遗弃,在宇宙中遭遇...

"The Real Ghost Busters"

剧情: 美国 1986-09-13  1986|荷兰 1987-04-29  1987advertisement Egon Spengler: Sometimes I think the universe just waits for me to g...


G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra

剧情: In this film, Cobra is at it again. This time, they have a device called the Weather Dominator which can control the world\'s weather and use it as a devastatin...


"G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero"

剧情: In this first GI Joe film, the team must contend with COBRA who, after a successful raid for a special broadcast satellite, now threatens the world with a telep...

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