电影网>明星资料馆>Tim Koetting



Fighting the Odds: The Marilyn Gambrell Story

剧情: Based on a true story, former parole officer Marilyn Gambrell (Gertz) and a colleague set up a pioneer trial-based program in one of America\'s toughest high sc...

"Little House on the Prairie"

剧情: 法国 2007-01-06  2007|瑞典 2006-12-26  2006|美国 2005-03-26  2005


Family Sins

剧情: 波兰 2006-08-08  2006|西班牙 2005-04-24  2005|意大利 2005-02-17  2005|匈牙利 2005-02-07  2005|美国 2004-03-1...

Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story

剧情: Every six minutes in America, someone\'s identity is stolen. When Michelle Brown walked into an office one day to fill out a simple rental form, then handed it ...


Undercover Christmas

剧情: Jake Cunningham is an uptight,workaholic FBI agent from a wealthy family in this unlikely love story.Jake is assigned to protect Brandi O\'Neill,a lower class c...

Monte Walsh

剧情: Monte Walsh and Chet Rollins are long-time cowhands, working whatever ranch work comes their way, but "nothing they can\'t do from a horse." Their lives...


剧情:   1882年放荡不羁的牛仔时代,蛮荒而美丽的北美西部平原,是一片既自由又混乱的土地。在这里,拓荒者可以任意占有西部平原上任何一块无主的土地,并选择将自己的生命永远留在辛勤的劳作与坚实的草原之上。不过与此同时,也有着喜好自由身的蛮荒骑士。他们以放养牧牛为生,在自由的平原上畅游。查理、苏、莫斯和老板斯皮尔曼,就是这样一只...


Johnson County War

剧情: 芬兰 2006-04-25  2006|挪威 2003-08-27  2003|美国 2002-08-24  2002


After the Harvest

剧情: 美国 2001-05-29  2001|加拿大 2001-03-04  2001


Papa's Angels

剧情: 匈牙利 2004-12-24  2004|德国 2001-11-02  2001|美国 2000-12-03  2000

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