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"Power Rangers Mystic Force"

剧情: Legend says when the darkness arises, five brave teen sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet\'s survival - with the guidance from their wise mentor an...


剧情:   故事主角 Wendy Wu 是个受欢迎的华裔高中女生,在学校有两个好姊妹和一个接近完美、但过于自恋的男友。她最大愿望就是当选舞会皇后,为此她和好友 Jessica 想尽怪招拉票。和一般在美国长大的华裔孩子一样,Wendy 完全不了解中国文化,直到遇上一位从...


"Power Rangers S.P.D."

剧情: Fifteen years into the future, Earth has welcomed alien beings to live with humans. But peace is short lived, as a planet conquering alien force turns its destr...


"Power Rangers Ninja Storm"

剧情: Three rebellious students are the last ones remaining at their ninja academy after evil aliens attack the Earth. With mankind at the brink of destruction, the f...


No One Can Hear You

剧情: 法国 2002-01-24  2002|匈牙利 2001-12-13  2001|芬兰 2007-07-06  2007|阿根廷 2001-05-15  2001Henley: There is no...


"Cleopatra 2525"

剧情: An exotic dancer, cryogenically frozen in the year 2001, is accidentaly thawed out in 2525 by two female warriors who are fighting against evil robots which hav...



剧情: 荷兰 2002-06-30  2002|芬兰 2000-04-01  2000


剧情: Greenstone is an 8-part miniseries set in the beautiful South Pacific. It\'s a majestic tale of drama, love, mystery and the clashing of cultures. From a native...

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