电影网>明星资料馆>James Laurenson




剧情: 本片是根据真实案件改编的,讲述的是英国人 Malcolm Webster在杀害了第一任妻子后,又企图杀死第二任妻子的故事;Malcolm于2011年5月在最高法院被判定有罪,随后提起上诉,但法院只取消了关于放火的罪名,对于其他罪名,维持原判。



剧情: A British Sub goes missing at the end of the war leaving only one crew member surviving. Everyone believes it lost to the bottom of the ocean, then 40 years lat...

Sharpe's Regiment

剧情: Told his battalion is to be split up due to lack of recruits at home, Sharpe and Harper return to England to investigate. What should have been a simple query t...

Sharpe's Mission

剧情: 美国 2006-08-05  2006|德国 1997-04-19  1997|英国 1996-05-15  1996Wellington: I\'d be obliged if you\'d show that fellow S...

Sharpe's Revenge

剧情: 美国 2006-08-12  2006|英国 1997-05-07  1997Ducos: The war is over, Sharpe; apparently not for you. [after Harper tells him that Jan...

Sharpe's Siege

剧情: Sharpe, with his new commanding officer, is sent to capture a castle when news comes of locals who will rise against Bonaparte. However, he is somewhat distract...


"Dalziel and Pascoe" Soft Touch

剧情: What is the connection between an unidentifiable corpse found drown in the canal with a two year old AK47 bullet lodged in his spine and the murder of a wealthy...


剧情: 荷兰 2004-09-12  2004|捷克 2004-07-03  2004|美国 2004-04-16  2004|英国 2003-08-19  2003



剧情: 版本一:     虚拟世界的杀戮,每个人都是嫌疑犯!汤姆(爱德华福隆饰)是个年轻的计算机专家。汤姆的父母去世了,而他哥哥的妻子竟然是他今生最爱的人,也就是他昔日的恋人。在缺乏真正的人际关系之下,汤玛斯发现他开始沉溺在虚拟的网络聊天室里,整天在不同的网址上漫游并进行着虚拟的谈话。在绝望之下,于是汤玛斯开始与一个和他同样...

"State of Play"

剧情: 法国 2005-05-28  2005|芬兰 2004-04-14  2004|瑞典 2004-04-06  2004|丹麦 2004-01-27  2004|英国 2003-05-18&n...

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