电影网>明星资料馆>Connie Leon



Challenge to Lassie

剧情: 美国 1949-10-31  1949|瑞典 1950-04-11  1950|奥地利 1951-05-11  1951|芬兰 1952-04-22  1952|菲律宾 1988-04-24  1988



剧情: English dancehall actress Julia Packett hasn\'t seen her daughter since Susan was a few months old, having given her up to be raised by her respectable and weal...

The Woman in White

剧情: A young painter stumbles upon an assortment of odd characters at an English estate where he has been hired to give art lessons to beautiful Laura Fairlie. Among...



剧情: 苏珊.海沃德首次挑大梁的代表作,曾获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖提名。因为她在片中所塑造的形象十分成功,从此,“一个坠落的女人挣扎着要东山再起\"便成为她的主要剧路。故事描述一名当红的夜总会女歌手在嫁给寂寂无名的创作型男歌手之后,便安心作她的家庭主妇,并利用自己的人际关系帮助丈夫成名。但当丈夫开始飞黄腾达之后,他待在家里...

Moss Rose

剧情: 美国 1947-05-30  1947|瑞典 1947-09-17  1947|芬兰 1948-09-03  1948


That Brennan Girl

剧情: 美国 1946-12-23  1946

The Locket

剧情: Lovely Nancy seems like the ideal bride to fiancée John Willis... until, just before the ceremony, Willis is approached by Harry Blair, claiming to be Nanc...

Three Strangers

剧情: According to a legend, if three strangers gather before an idol of Kwan Yin (the Chinese goddess of fortune and destiny) on the night of the Chinese New Year an...

And Now Tomorrow

剧情: 美国 1944-11-22  1944 (New York City, New York)|瑞典 1946-01-09  1946|法国 1946-03-14  1946|芬兰 1946-11-15  ...


剧情: In 1862, young English widow Anna Owens accepts the job of teaching the royal children of Siam. On her arrival in Bangkok, culture clash is immediate. The king ...

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