电影网>明星资料馆>Ana Martín



Premios TV y novelas 2006

剧情: 墨西哥 2006-05-13  2006


"Madrastra, La"

剧情: A terrible tragedy puts an end to a group of friends\' pleasure voyage. Maria hears a gunshot, and finds her friend Patricia dead, and, within her confusion, sh...

Lo que no vio de premios TV y novelas

剧情: 美国 2005-11-24  2005|墨西哥 2005-04-23  2005



剧情: Rubí is an ambitious young woman, who all her life has wanted to be rich. She studies at a private university, where she meets sweet and rich Maribel, and ...


"Amar otra vez"

剧情: 以色列 2004-11-05  2004|波兰 2004-06-11  2004|墨西哥 2004-05-31  2004|美国 2003-12-22  2003

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