电影网>明星资料馆>Mike McFarland




剧情: After her mother\'s death, Tohru Honda finds herself living with the Sohma family consisting of three cousins: Yuki the \'prince charming\' of their high school...



剧情: 盗取全世界珍宝的鲁邦,对于他来说,一美元又能价值几何?“千万不要小看一美元哈~” 本作为鲁邦三世TVsp第十二弹,也是新世纪第一部鲁邦,于2000年7月28日放送。 In New York City, an auction is being held, where numerous valuables are bein...

House of the Generals

剧情: 10 million Ukrainians lost their lives in the first half of the 20th Century. 600,000 Ukrainian Jews perished, victims of Hitler and Stalin. The Ukraine amassed...



剧情:  鲁邦正与不二子共进晚餐,突遭不明人物袭击。奔逃中,不二子落下悬崖。待鲁邦找到时,发现她已经失去记忆……   本作为鲁邦三世第11部TVsp作品,也是20世纪最后一部鲁邦三世动画作品,于1999年7月30日放送。It was a pleasant evening dinner for Fujiko and Lupin...

"Blue Gender"

剧情:   The year is 2031, and after being in cold-sleep for twenty-two years, Yuji Kaido wakes up in the middle of a war for human survival against giant insects call...


鲁邦三世:炎之记忆 东京危机

剧情: 为了得到传说中的德川家族的价值两千亿美元的宝藏,鲁邦准备从钱形警部手中偷取取得宝藏的指引玻璃夹板(其实就是一个有相片的像框…)。但这一回却两次行动都以失败告终,玻璃夹板还是被老爹(钱形警部)顺利地送到收购者麦克铃木处。为了采访为前来负责为庆祝新建的东京水上乐园开幕式的各国政要做安全工作的钱形老爹,女记者一色玛丽亚(CV...


Dragonball GT: Gokû gaiden! Yûki no akashi wa sû-shin-chû

剧情: Son Goku Jr. is the grand-grandson of the legendary warrior Son Goku, unlike his predecessor he\'s not a brave fighter. He\'s constantly picked on by school bul...



剧情: Internationally famous thief, Arsene Lupin the Third, receives half of the large diamond known as Twilight from old crimeboss Doruune. Doruune tells him that if...

Dragonball: Saikyô e no michi

剧情: A great retelling of the original Dragonball series, It starts off With Son Goku, meeting Bulma, and then they go off on a Journey to Find the Seven Dragonballs...

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