电影网>明星资料馆>Christopher Murney



Murder by the Book

剧情: Mild-mannered mystery writer D. H. Mercer has become so immersed in his material that his creation, hard-boiled private eye Biff Deegan constantly appears to hi...


剧情:   青年布雷特从肯萨斯州到纽约来谋业,却只能在一家国际贸易集团充当送信小弟,但也因此近水楼台听到了不少公司的内幕。当一名高级主管职位出缺而没有补人时,布雷特干脆利用他的办公室擅自发号施令,成为隐身的主管,甚至引起老板娘对他垂涎。 Brantley Foster, a well-educated kid from Ka...


Where Are the Children?

剧情: On her birthday, San Francisco resident Nancy Harmon\'s two kids Peter and Lisa disappear, later to be found dead. The police wrongfully accuse a devastated Nan...


剧情: 向来以撰写恐怖小说闻名的史蒂芬金,此次首次执导自己的作品。本片是史蒂芬金第一部自己下海当导演的一部片,也是唯一的一部。史蒂芬金以他最擅长的恶梦为灵感,幻想着科技越来越发达的现代,是否会有机器企图消灭人类的可能?像是割草机反割人类,收音机传出致人于死地的魔音,汽车撞其驾驶者… For 3 days in 1...


"The Equalizer"

剧情: 美国 1985-09-18  1985|英国 1987-07-16  1987|瑞典 1988-11-18  1988|法国 1991-01-23  1991advertisement ...

The Last Dragon

剧情: A young man searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. Along the way he must fight an evil martial a...


剧情: Grace Quigley is nearing the end of her life, living alone in her New York apartment. One day she witnesses a murder being committed by top hit-man, Seymour Fli...


"Kate & Allie"

剧情: 美国 1984-03-19  1984|英国 1986-02-17  1986|法国 1987-05-04  1987advertisement Allie Lowell: I can\'t alter my f...


Found Money

剧情: Max and Sam, disillusioned with people\'s day-to-day callousness toward each other, and angered by a pension-stealing bank, invent The Invisible Friend, Inc. Th...

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