


"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" Playing for the Ashes

剧情: 德国 2004-01-11  2004|瑞典 2003-12-30  2003|英国 2003-03-10  2003

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" Deception on His Mind

剧情: 瑞典 2005-01-06  2005|德国 2004-02-01  2004|英国 2003-03-31  2003

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" For the Sake of Elena

剧情: 美国 2003-09-14  2003|德国 2003-02-16  2003|瑞典 2003-01-05  2003|英国 2002-04-22  2002


剧情: 一部具有先驱精神的剧本在苏格兰郊区的小屋面世,然而一夜之间剧本的作家就被残忍的杀害了。Lynley深爱的Helen很不幸的成为了众多嫌疑犯中的一个。Lynley会不会因为自己的私人感情而影响他做出判断呢?Inspector Lynley (Nathaniel Parker) and Sergeant Havers...

The Private Life of Samuel Pepys

剧情: 英国 2003-12-16  2003[Pepys is in the dock] Samuel Pepys: [to camera] And what have they accused me of? Spying for the French and taking bribes....

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" In the Presence of the Enemy

剧情: 瑞典 2004-12-30  2004|德国 2004-01-18  2004|英国 2003-03-17  2003


剧情: 这是一幢曾经有着辉煌过去的大宅,早在南北战争时期,它一度是新奥尔良最富丽堂皇、最庄严的建筑。但岁月流逝,如今这所大宅已经变成了一所不折不扣的鬼屋,外表破败,笼罩着一层神秘恐怖的气息,传说大厦里盘踞着999只鬼魂。    这天,房产经纪人吉姆·埃佛斯(艾迪·墨菲)与妻子萨拉接到大宅主人爱德华的电话,表示想出售自...


Pretending to Be Judith

剧情: James, a jewellery store operator, spots Maria in a bit part in a play and asks her to impersonate his mistress, Judith, who died in an accident, so that he can...

"Richard & Judy"

剧情: 英国 2001-11-26  2001

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