电影网>明星资料馆>Diana Perez



Sharpe's Battle

剧情: 美国 2006-07-08  2006|英国 1995-04-19  1995Loup: No more of my men will die in this god forsaken place. Richard Sharpe: They will i...

Sharpe's Gold

剧情: 美国 2006-07-01  2006|英国 1995-04-12  1995Patrick Harper: I had an uncle who thought the Faeries were after him. Richard Sharpe: W...

Sharpe's Mission

剧情: 美国 2006-08-05  2006|德国 1997-04-19  1997|英国 1996-05-15  1996Wellington: I\'d be obliged if you\'d show that fellow S...

Sharpe's Sword

剧情: 美国 2006-07-15  2006|英国 1995-04-26  1995[Harper is wounded] Patrick Harper: Am I going to die this time, Father? Father Curti...


剧情:   惠灵顿的公爵在滑铁卢粉碎拿破仑两年之后,有来自一个印度当地土着的的新闻,内容是那里威胁到英国的利益。惠灵顿密令沙普调查,究竟他执行的是什么样的危险任务?将军和大英帝国的命运掌握在他的手里……Sean Bean is back as the swashbuckling hero in Sharpe\'s Challe...

Sharpe's Siege

剧情: Sharpe, with his new commanding officer, is sent to capture a castle when news comes of locals who will rise against Bonaparte. However, he is somewhat distract...


Sharpe's Honour

剧情: 1813. Major Sharpe\'s old enemy, Major Duclos manipulates a beautiful young marquesa into falsely accusing Sharpe of rape. Her husband calls Sharpe out in a due...

Sharpe's Enemy

剧情: Portugal 1813. A band of deserters, including Sharpe\'s old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, have captured two women, one the wife of a high-ranking English officer, a...


How to Survive a Broken Heart

剧情: 德国 1991-02-16  1991|荷兰 1991-04-05  1991|瑞典 1991-09-13  1991|捷克 2001-01-27  2001

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