电影网>明星资料馆>Hay Petrie



Cottage to Let

剧情: A wartime cottage on a Scottish estate becomes a focus of attention when not only the new tenant but a London evacuee and a downed fighter pilot all move in. Th...

Freedom Radio

剧情: 英国 1941-02-01  1941|美国 1941-02-04  1941|瑞典 1945-06-09  1945


21 Days

剧情: 英国 1940-01-07  1940|美国 1940-04-29  1940|瑞典 1942-04-06  1942

Conquest of the Air

剧情: 英国 1940-05-20  1940 (updated version)


剧情: This is the tale of life in a British port in the first year of World War II. Spies and smugglers abound in the blackout and unreal shore life of the "phone...

Spy for a Day

剧情: 英国 1940-04-27  1940


剧情: 由路德维格.伯杰等三位导演联合执导的一部历久弥新的神话片。 故事取材于阿拉伯神话,内容大致描述一个会妖术的奸相贾法,用阴谋诡计把巴格达城的阿麦王拘禁起来,然后自号为王。阿麦后得同牢的小神阿菩相助而逃走。贾法为了得到公主,把阿麦变成瞎子,并把阿菩变成一条狗。最后得巨人相助,终于射杀贾法,让阿麦重新成为巴格达城的国王。 ...


The Spy in Black

剧情: When a German U-Boat captain is sent on a spying mission to the North of Scotland during World War One, he finds more than he bargained for in his contact, the ...

Q Planes

剧情: Experimental aircraft of several countries are mysteriously vanishing during test flights over the sea. The latest is British, and Hammond of the Secret Service...

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