电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Rhoades



Finding Buck McHenry

剧情: When an 11 year old boy (Michael Schiffman) gets cut from his Little League baseball team, he sets out to form his own team. He persuades a school custodian (Os...

Who Killed Atlanta's Children?

剧情: In the early 1980\'s there was someone killing the children of Atlanta. Eventually a single man was caught and convicted in one one of the largest manhunts in o...


剧情: 匈牙利 2002-12-18  2002|芬兰 2001-05-15  2001|法国 2001-05-11  2001|以色列 2000-12-21  2000|新西兰 2000-10-2...


剧情: 根据美国1949年一场真实发生的驱魔事件改拍而成,当时驱魔已被天主教明订禁止有半世纪之久,威廉波顿神父(Timothy Dalton 饰)是由耶稣会所经营之圣路易斯大学的教授,总是回想著二次大战时他身为军队牧师的陈年旧事,由于这段萦绕不去的过往经验使得他总是心不在焉,甚至威胁到了他教书的能力。 当一件既...


Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol

剧情: Biographical story of rock idol and TV star, Ricky Nelson (Gregory Calpakis) is recalled from the view of Ricky in a discussion with a fan just hours before his...

Ultimate Deception

剧情: All bartender Terry Cuff (Yasmine Bleeth) ever dreams of is raising a family. When she marries Bobby Woodkin (Richard Grieco), she finds herself one step closer...


剧情:   本片改编自真实题材,艾拉艾霍恩是70年代的反战分子,也是地球日的创始人之一。在60年代未期及70年代初期时,他与女友荷莉麦道斯同居,但当荷莉想离开他时却突然失踪了。之后人们在艾拉公寓裡的一只箱子裡发现了她的尸体。被控谋杀的艾拉潜逃出境,躲避执法单位的追捕。荷莉的父亲誓言要将杀女凶手绳之以法,不断派人追查艾拉的下落,...

God's New Plan

剧情: 英国 2004-02-13  2004|美国 1999-02-16  1999


剧情: 剧情简介惊栗小说大师史提芬京今次带大家进入一场世纪风暴,狂风大雪令小岛的居民陷入孤立无援,一个无所不知的人更闯进他们的社区,不断地说:「满足我的要求,我便会离开。」市政厅或许能抵挡风雪的怒吼,却抵挡不了这神秘人所带来逐渐升级的恐惧。一双邪恶的手竟造成比世纪风暴更毛骨悚然的浩劫。



剧情: Without warning, millions of people instantly vanish from the face of the earth! In the following hours civilization is torn apart as anarchy and chaos reign su...

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